Uncharted 2 lazarevic
Uncharted 2 lazarevic

Audio is of equal caliber to the visuals. It’s meticulous details like these that make the game world feel that much more authentic. The way Nathan runs down stairs, careful not to trip the way he trudges through mud and wades through water the way he lumbers about when he’s injured the way Nathan’s clothes drip wet with water, or cake with snow when he’s knee-deep in the stuff. The level of polish and attention to detail in the visuals is awe-inspiring.

uncharted 2 lazarevic

That’s just a sampling of the incredible situations Nathan constantly finds himself in, and the best part is the game rarely takes the controller out of the player’s hands in resolving them.Among Thieves is a beautiful looking game, so much so that you’ll probably stop Nathan dead in his tracks on a few occasions just to take in the magnificent landscape. A dangerous rescue mission on a moving train a game of cat-and-mouse with a tank through the streets of a quaint Himalayan village a chase across the roofs of Nepal as a building literally collapses with you inside it and a daring escape from a train dangling precariously over the edge of a cliff. In the end, though, it’s the “wow” factor that sets Among Thieves apart from the action adventure crowd, moments that stay with you long after you power down your console. Nathan has so many more ways to take down enemies using melee, and there’s more opportunity to use stealth to whittle down the number of enemies in a given scenario. Hand-to-hand combat, which was previously a weak point, is considerably stronger this time around. Shooting is a much tighter affair, featuring an expanded arsenal to go along with a new grenade-tossing mechanic. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights, shall we?Among Thieves stays true to the original Drake’s Fortune in that gameplay is comprised primarily of cover-based shooting, acrobatic platforming and puzzle solving, except here they’re executed even better.

uncharted 2 lazarevic

From the captivating story and believable characters, to the thrill-a-minute gameplay, to the gorgeous visuals and superlative audio, down to the surprisingly robust multiplayer suite, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a near flawless experience. A cast of familiar faces, featuring old man “Sully” and journalist/love interest Elena, are joined by a host of new personalities, including the sleazy Flynn, a psychopathic Serbian warlord named Lazarevic, and an alluring yet mysterious femme fatale in Chloe Frazer, who makes up one-third of the game’s convincing love triangle sub plot. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is the most cinematic experience this side of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, and dare I say the Oscar goes to… Uncharted 2: Among Thieves! Picking up shortly after the events of Drake’s Fortune, fictional treasure hunter Nathan Drake is lured back into the fortune seeking business when his British counterpart Harry Flynn invites him to seek out the lost fleet of Marco Polo which, spoilers aside, leads to a race to find the Cintamani Stone, a priceless artifact thought to be hidden in the mythical Himalayan valley of Shambhala. It’s Like……the video game equivalent of a big budget action flick.

Uncharted 2 lazarevic